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6-channel bluetooth scale for heavy machinery.

A 6-channel bluetooth scale for heavy machinery. The Android app supports a wireless connection with up to 6 Bluetooth pressure and/or torque measuring devices placed at specific locations in the loader and uses the data to calculate the loads on the machine's tires, axles and shovel. It also calculates and displays the location of the center of gravity. The application can be configured to work with several types of sensors and calculate parameters for different models of loaders and other construction machines. The bluetooth controllers are based on the Nordic Semiconductor nRF52 2.4GHz low-power chipset that can run on batteries or be powered directly from the machine.

Customer location: Austria
ОС: Under development
OS: Android OS
Programming language: Java
Technology Stack: Java, Eventbus, NordicSemiconductor Android-Scanner-Compat-Library, NordicSemiconductor Android-BLE-Library, Dexter, Gson...

Android app with 6-channel bluetooth scale for heavy machinery.

Android app with 6-channel bluetooth scale for heavy machinery.

Android app with 6-channel bluetooth scale for heavy machinery.

Android app with 6-channel bluetooth scale for heavy machinery.

Android app with 6-channel bluetooth scale for heavy machinery.