Hourly rates for mobile app development

Android mobile application development service with Java and Kotlin.

Android application development

Development of Android applications using Java and Kotlin.

Languages: Java/Kotlin

Libraries/Tools: EventBus, ObjectBox, ButterKnife, Firebase​Authentication,Firestore database, Realtime database, Crashlytics, Cloud Messaging, ​Dynamic Links, Functions, ​Machine learning, ObjectBox Sync, Volley, Retrofit, Dexter, Okhttp3, NordicSemiconductor BLE Scanner, TimeIt, AndroidPDFViewer, Apache POI, ExoMedia, Gson, NordicSemiconductor Android-Scanner-Compat-Library, NordicSemiconductor Android-BLE-Library and much more...

per hour

Ios mobile application development service with Swift.

iOS application development

Development of iOS applications using Swift 5.

Languages: Swift 5+

Libraries/Tools: SwiftyJSON, CoreStore, Alamofire, KeychainAccess , Spring, Kingfisher, Lottie, SDWebImage, KeychainAccess, CardParts, SnapKit, SPPermission, MBProgressHUD and much more...

per hour

Hybrid mobile application development service with Flutter and Dart.

Hybrid application development

Development of cross-platform applications for Android and iOS from a single codebase using the Flutter framework and Dart.

Languages: Dart

Libraries/Tools: Flutter FlutterFire, GetIt, fl_chart, cached_network_image, font_awesome_flutter, flushbar, url_launcher, crypto, flutter_background_geolocation, Image_picker, sqflite, geolocator, flutter_native_splash, just_audio, provider, flutter_bloc, flutter_local_notifications, firebase_messaging, json_serializable and much more...

per hour

Embedded firmware development service.

Embedded firmware development

Developing software for microcontrollers using C/C++.

Languages: C/C++/ Node-RED

BSP layer programming for board bring up, boot loaders, file systems, device drivers (HDMI, SPI, SDIO, Ethernet, USB, Bluetooth and 802.11)

per hour

Embedded firmware development service.

Hardware development

Design of hardware controllers and PCB using Altium Designer.

System-on-chip (SoC), System-on-module (SoM), and single-board-computer (SBC) development. Design and layout of a printed circuit boards. Low-volume prototyping. Board Bring-up.

per hour

Delphi application development service.

Desktop software development

Developing desktop software for Windows, Mac and Linux using RAD Studio.

Languages: Delphi 6.0 - Delphi 10+

Ask for details.

per hour